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Reproductive pregnancy


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A study on the nutritional supplement function of nutrients

Date:2019-12-26 07:52:08Times:

A study on the nutritional supplement function of nutrients in the third trimester of pregnancy
He Yujie 1, Yang ailing 2
(1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University; 2. Weifang Medical College)
Abstract: the growth and development of the fetus is accelerated in the late pregnancy, and the brain cells are growing rapidly. At the same time, the pregnant women need to increase the intake of nutrition to meet the needs of delivery and lactation. Therefore, nutrition supplement is more important for pregnant women and foetuses than for the first two pregnancies. EPF 3 can provide the trace elements (especially selenium, copper) and vitamins needed by pregnant women and foetuses in the third trimester, which is helpful to eliminate or reduce the reaction of pregnancy in the third trimester, improve the growth and development index of foetuses, and prevent the pregnancy outcome such as birth defects. It is a recommended health food for the third trimester.
Key words: nutrients in the third trimester; nutrition supplement; section 3 of love pregnancy workshop
1. Physiological characteristics and nutritional management of pregnant women in the third trimester
      Late pregnancy refers to 7-9 months of pregnancy, i.e. from the 28th week of pregnancy until delivery (40 weeks). During this period, the growth and development of the fetus is more rapid, especially the growth of brain cells. The influence of nutrition on the fetus is more important than that of the first two pregnancies. Therefore, pregnant women should increase the intake of high-quality protein, calcium and iron in order to meet the needs of childbirth and lactation. Pregnant women are prone to palpitation, shortness of breath, flatulence, heartburn, poor appetite, leg cramps, and even diabetes. In addition, pregnant women in late pregnancy are prone to mild hypertension and edema, so salt intake must be controlled [1]. The total amount of diet of women in the third trimester of pregnancy in China basically meets the physiological requirements, but the dietary structure is not scientific and reasonable, the dietary nutrition is unbalanced, and the intake of calcium, iron and zinc is insufficient [2] [3]. In order to ensure the nutritional needs of the late pregnancy, pregnant women should eat less and more meals; in addition, they should follow the advice of doctors or nutritionists, reasonably arrange meals, scientifically supplement nutrition, and supplement special nutritional supplements during pregnancy if necessary.
2. Introduction to the 3-stage products of aimengfang
2.1 raw materials
      Calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate, zinc gluconate, selenium enriched yeast, copper gluconate, retinyl acetate, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, niacin, folic acid, L-ascorbic acid, VK1, d-Calcium pantothenate, d-alpha-tocopherol
2.2 suitable population
      Pregnant women who need calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, VA, VB1, VB2, VB6, niacin, folic acid, VC, VK1, pantothenic acid, VE
      The effect of the three components of "love pregnancy workshop" on the nutrition supplement in the third trimester
      The standard supply of calcium for pregnant women in the third trimester is 1200 mg / day [4]. A large amount of calcium is needed for the growth and development of fetal skeleton in the late pregnancy. Calcium should be supplemented in time when pregnant women have leg cramps [5]. Increasing calcium intake of pregnant women in late pregnancy can improve the serum calcium level of newborns [6]. The level of BMD in the late pregnancy has a certain impact on the development of infants. Calcium supplementation can reduce and avoid the impact on infant development (body height, weight, intelligence, BMD, etc.) [7]. Iron deficiency of pregnant women can lead to congenital iron deficiency of newborn, directly affect the metabolism of fetal and newborn red blood cells, lead to chronic hypoxia and growth and development disorders of fetus and newborn. Iron deficiency is the main cause of anemia of pregnant women [8]. Iron deficiency of late pregnant mothers is significantly related to iron deficiency anemia of infants. Iron supplementation of late pregnant mothers can prevent iron deficiency anemia of infants [9]. Gao Yingying et al [10] found that the combination of calcium and zinc supplementation in late pregnancy can effectively prevent the lack of calcium and zinc in pregnancy. Zinc deficiency during pregnancy can affect the reproductive cycle of embryo cells, lead to fetal growth retardation, and even fetal malformation. Maintaining normal blood zinc concentration can improve the growth and development index of newborn [11], and the demand for zinc of fetus is the highest in the late pregnancy [12]. Zinc supplementation can improve the serum zinc concentration of pregnant women in the middle and late pregnancy, and help to increase the birth weight of the newborn [13]. The incidence of preeclampsia in selenium deficient pregnant women is more than 4 times higher than that in other pregnant women, which is manifested as hypertension, renal dysfunction and placental insufficiency [14]. Therefore, pregnant women must pay attention to selenium supplement during pregnancy. The serum selenium content of pregnant women is significantly lower than that of non pregnant women [15]. The low selenium content in cord blood serum of newborn may be a factor of low birth weight [16]. In order to meet the normal development of fetus, it is necessary to supplement selenium to pregnant women [17]. The lack of copper in the food of pregnant women in the late pregnancy can lead to the lack of copper in the fetus, which is easy to cause intrauterine growth retardation [18]. Pregnant women should take enough calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper and other trace elements to prevent abortion, stillbirth and premature rupture of membranes.
      If the body lacks VA, the pregnant women will have night blindness, premature delivery and fetal malformation. Yin Lu found that the VA deficiency rate of pregnant women was high, and the serum retinol level of pregnant women in the late pregnancy was positively correlated with the VA dietary intake, the serum retinol level of cord blood and the weight of newborns [19]. The VA nutrition level of newborns is lower than that of pregnant women in general, and the levels of retinol and β - carotene are correlated with the retinol level of pregnant women [20]. Therefore, pregnant women in the third trimester should pay attention to the supplement of VA. In the absence of VB1, the human body will feel irritable, fatigue and weakness, lower extremity edema, anorexia and other symptoms [21]; in addition, the low level of VB1 is closely related to the occurrence of GDM [22]. The effect of VB2 combined with iron in the treatment of IDA during pregnancy is significantly better than that of iron group alone, and the side effects are relatively low, with significant clinical significance [23]. VB2 nutrition intervention can improve and maintain the iron nutrition level of pregnant women, reduce the prevalence of anemia and iron deficiency during pregnancy, and promote the absorption and utilization of iron [24]. VB6 can treat acute mastitis, gestational diabetes, depression caused by estrogen contraceptives, primary dysmenorrhea, mastitis, and lactation [25]; the lack of VB6 can lead to neonatal convulsion, premature delivery or even stillbirth. The intake of niacin in pregnant women was positively correlated with the level of umbilical adiponectin, while the level of adiponectin had an impact on the growth and development of the fetus: the level of umbilical adiponectin was positively correlated with the birth weight and length of the fetus [26]. Folic acid supplementation for women of childbearing age can reduce fetal neural tube malformations such as cleft lip and palate, reduce pregnancy complications such as premature delivery, low birth weight, induced labor, stillbirth, pregnancy induced hypertension, etc., improve pregnancy outcomes such as fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia, good prognosis for mothers and infants [27]. VC supplementation during pregnancy can prevent premature rupture of membranes [28], and VC supplementation can prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia to a certain extent [29]. Lack of VE during pregnancy can lead to abortion, premature delivery, preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction [30], and supplement of VE in late pregnancy can prevent adverse pregnancy outcome. In the late pregnancy, the routine supplementation of VK1 can prevent the occurrence of neonatal hemorrhagic disease [31]. Therefore, oral administration of VK1 before delivery is an effective method to prevent neonatal VK deficiency hemorrhagic disease [32]. Pantothenic acid can help cell formation, maintain normal development and development of central nervous system; prevent fatigue, relieve anorexia and nausea; it has the function of making antibody, helping to resist infectious diseases, and helping to alleviate allergic symptoms [33].
      The third section of pregnancy nutrition supplement "Ai Yun Fang" can provide trace elements and vitamins such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, etc. for pregnant women and foetuses in late pregnancy, which is helpful to eliminate or reduce the reaction of pregnancy in late pregnancy, improve the growth and development index of foetuses, and prevent the pregnancy outcome such as birth defects of foetuses. It is a recommended health food in late pregnancy.
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