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Reproductive pregnancy


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Study on the effect of nutrients in the second trimester of

Date:2019-12-26 07:54:46Times:

Study on the effect of nutrients in the second trimester of pregnancy on nutrition supplement
Zhang Huifang 1, Yang ailing 2
(1. Taiyuan Central Hospital; 2. Weifang Medical College)
Abstract: the pregnant women in the second trimester have less pregnancy reaction and more food. Meanwhile, the fetal organ system is in the stage of differentiation and foundation determination, and the fetus grows fast. Therefore, the nutrition intake of pregnant women in the second trimester should be balanced comprehensively, otherwise it will cause malnutrition or lack, leading to adverse pregnancy outcome. In view of the physiological characteristics and nutritional needs of pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy, the multi-dimensional mineral supplement of "love pregnancy workshop" is of great significance for the prevention of adverse pregnancy outcomes.
Key words: nutrition in the second trimester; nutrition supplement; aiyunfang 2
      Physiological characteristics and nutritional management of pregnant women in the second trimester
      The second trimester refers to the period from 13 weeks to 28 weeks. During this period, the fetal organ system is in the stage of differentiation and foundation determination. The fetus grows fast and its volume increases significantly. The consumption of protein and heat by pregnant women is about 10% ~ 20% higher than that of normal people. With the reduction of pregnancy reaction, the food intake of pregnant women increased significantly, but at the same time, attention should be paid to balanced nutrition, otherwise it will cause malnutrition or lack, not only affect the health of the mother, but also hinder the normal growth and development of the fetus [1]. At present, the main dietary problems of pregnant women in China [2]: 1) overeating, pregnancy complications such as pregnancy hypertension and gestational diabetes, and adverse pregnancy outcomes such as macrosomia and dystocia; 2) eating refined rice flour, resulting in vitamin B deficiency, is not conducive to fetal development; 3) lack of nutrients or without the guidance of nutritionists, resulting in poor pregnancy due to the abuse of nutrients Ending. Therefore, the nutritional intake of pregnant women in the second trimester should be comprehensive and balanced. In order to avoid the above dietary problems, we should supplement relevant functional foods under the guidance of nutritionists.
      Product introduction of the second stage of aiyunfang
2.1 raw materials
      Calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate, zinc gluconate, selenium enriched yeast, retinol acetate, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, niacin, folic acid, L-ascorbic acid, d-Calcium pantothenate
2.2 suitable population
      Pregnant women who need calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, VA, VB1, VB2, VB6, niacin, folic acid, VC, pantothenic acid
      The effect of the second part of aiyunfang on the nutrition supplement in the second half of pregnancy
      The standard calcium supply of pregnant women in the second trimester is 1000 mg / day [3]. However, pregnant women in China are usually in a low calcium state [4]. When the calcium intake of pregnant women is insufficient, in order to meet the needs of the fetus, it is necessary to use the bone calcium storage of pregnant women, resulting in calcium deficiency of pregnant women. A large number of data show that hypocalcemia is closely related to PIH. Reasonable calcium supplementation in the middle of pregnancy can reduce the incidence of PIH and fetal intrauterine growth retardation [5]. Generally, the demand for total iron of pregnant women is more than 6 times that of non pregnant women [6]. The lack of iron in pregnant women can lead to the lack of congenital iron reserve of newborn, directly affect the metabolism of fetal and newborn red blood cells, and lead to the chronic hypoxia and growth disorder of fetus and newborn. The lack of iron is the main cause of anemia in pregnant women [7]. Zinc deficiency in pregnant women can lead to fetal growth retardation, abortion, premature delivery, deformity, etc. [8]. Dietary zinc nutrition guidance for women in the second trimester can improve the blood zinc concentration and pregnancy outcome in the third trimester, and improve the growth and development indicators of newborns [9]. Xue Minbo [10] found that zinc supplementation can improve the serum zinc concentration of pregnant women in the middle and late pregnancy. For those with low serum zinc concentration in the middle pregnancy, zinc supplementation may help to increase the birth weight of their newborns. According to the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology [11], pregnant women with selenium deficiency are four times more likely to suffer from preeclampsia than other pregnant women, which is characterized by hypertension, renal dysfunction and placental insufficiency. One of the causes of pre eclampsia is the production of oxidants due to placental dysfunction, and selenium is an antioxidant, so pregnant women must pay attention to selenium supplement during pregnancy. The serum selenium content of pregnant women is significantly lower than that of non pregnant women [12]. The low selenium content in cord blood serum of newborn may be a factor of low birth weight [13]. In order to meet the normal development of fetus, it is necessary to supplement selenium to pregnant women [14].
      VA can maintain normal visual function, maintain epithelial cell health, promote growth and reproduction. Lack of VA in pregnant women can lead to night blindness, premature delivery and fetal malformation. The lack or excess of VA in the second trimester can lead to the abnormal development of embryo [15]. Rao Jimei and Huang Qin [16] found that only 11.33% of pregnant women had reasonable VA intake. Zhang Caixia et al. [17] found that the intakes of VB, calcium, iron and retinol were insufficient in the second trimester of pregnancy, and the intakes of VB1, VB2 and calcium were insufficient in different degrees in anemic pregnant women. Meng Guohua [18] found that the intake of energy, VB1, VB2 and Ca in the second trimester of pregnancy was insufficient, and the intake of newborn weight and pregnant women's body weight index, energy, protein, fat, VB1 and VB2 were positively correlated; GDM and postpartum hemorrhage may be correlated with some nutritional indexes in the first and second trimester of pregnancy; compared with the first trimester of pregnancy, the nutritional status in the second trimester of pregnancy had a greater impact on the outcome of pregnancy. VB6 can treat acute mastitis, gestational diabetes, depression caused by estrogen contraceptives, primary dysmenorrhea, mastitis, milk return [19]; the lack of VB6 can lead to neonatal convulsion, premature delivery or even stillbirth. Folic acid supplementation for women of childbearing age can reduce fetal neural tube malformations such as cleft lip and palate, reduce pregnancy complications such as premature delivery, low birth weight, induced labor, stillbirth, pregnancy induced hypertension, etc., improve pregnancy outcomes such as fetal distress, neonatal asphyxia, and better prognosis for mothers and infants [20]. VC supplementation during pregnancy can prevent premature rupture of membranes [21], and VC supplementation can prevent the occurrence of preeclampsia to a certain extent [22]. The intake of niacin in pregnant women was positively correlated with the level of umbilical adiponectin, while the level of adiponectin had an impact on the growth and development of the fetus: the level of umbilical adiponectin was positively correlated with the birth weight and length of the fetus [23]. Pantothenic acid can help the formation of cells, maintain normal development and the development of central nervous system; prevent fatigue, relieve anorexia and nausea; it has the function of making antibodies, can help to resist infectious diseases, and help to reduce allergic symptoms [24].
      The second trimester of pregnancy is the critical period for new life, and it is also the window period for nutrition to affect the health of new life. The nutritional status of pregnant women directly affects their own and fetal health. Lack of nutrition during pregnancy will lead to fetal organ dysplasia or intrauterine growth retardation, and in severe cases, abortion, stillbirth or deformity [25]. Aimengfang pregnancy nutrition supplement 2-stage mineral multi-dimensional supplement according to the physiological characteristics and nutritional needs of pregnant women in the second trimester, scientifically supplement minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium and multi vitamins, at the same time, prevent birth defects such as congenital rickets and neural tube malformations of the fetus, prevent pregnancy complications such as anemia, hypertension and gestational diabetes, as well as macrosomia and dystocia Adverse pregnancy outcome.
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