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Nutritional and health care effects of lactation nutrients (

Date:2019-12-26 07:41:11Times:

Nutritional and health care effects of lactation nutrients (aifeifang 4) on women and infants
He Yujie 1, Yang ailing 2
(1. The First Affiliated Hospital of Shanxi Medical University; 2. Weifang Medical College)
Abstract: puerperal women are relatively weak, with poor appetite and poor digestion and absorption ability. They need to supplement the energy and physical strength consumed due to childbirth, as well as the nutrition and heat overdrawn due to breastfeeding. The simple daily diet can not meet the dual nutritional needs of mothers and infants. The fourth section of "love pregnancy workshop" can supplement the multi vitamins (especially VB, VK1) and minerals needed by the puerperal mothers, which is helpful to prevent the puerperal syndrome and improve the neonatal development index. It is an ideal nutrition and health food for mothers and infants in the puerperal period.
Key words: lactation nutrition; nutrition and health care; love pregnancy workshop 4
      Physiological characteristics and nutritional needs of lactating women
      The puerperal period, commonly known as "sitting on the moon", refers to the period of time from the delivery of placenta to the recovery of all organs of the maternal body except the mammary gland or close to the normal state of non pregnancy, generally 6 weeks [1]. The physiology and psychology of puerperal women will change greatly. At this time, the parturient should give priority to rest, especially in bed rest within 15 days after childbirth, so as to take good care of the body and promote the recovery of all systems of the whole body organs, especially the reproductive organs as soon as possible. Puerperal women are weak, have poor appetite and poor digestion and absorption ability. They should not only supplement the energy and physical strength consumed due to childbirth, but also supplement the nutrition and heat overdrawn due to breastfeeding [1]. Therefore, the simple diet can not meet the dual nutritional needs of mothers and infants, so it is necessary to supplement nutrition and health food.
2. Introduction to 4 sections of aiyunfang
2.1 raw materials
      Calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate, zinc gluconate, copper gluconate, retinyl acetate, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, niacin, folic acid, L-ascorbic acid, VK1, d-Calcium pantothenate, d-alpha-tocopherol
2.2 suitable population
      Mothers who need multi vitamins and minerals
      The effect of the four components of "love pregnancy workshop" on puerperal women and infants
      Daily calcium intake of lactating women should be 1300-1500mg [2]; lack of milk calcium will lead to infant rickets. In addition, pregnancy and lactation will affect the bone calcium metabolism of women, resulting in the decrease of bone mineral density. It is not enough to supplement calcium by food alone [3], only about 600 mg can be supplied in the diet, so additional supplement is needed. Puerperal anemia can affect the uterine involution, lead to late postpartum hemorrhage, increase the risk of puerperal infection, and may aggravate postpartum fatigue and postpartum depression. Therefore, active correction of puerperal anemia can significantly improve postpartum fatigue and other discomfort, reduce postpartum hemorrhage, and improve postpartum quality of life [4]. The lack of milk secretion in puerperal anemia decreased the exclusive breastfeeding of infants, which affected the healthy growth of infants [5]. If the iron storage has been exhausted and it is difficult to replenish enough iron only through food, it is necessary to replenish iron agent [6]. Zinc supplementation for pregnant women and lactating women has a positive impact on the level of zinc in milk [7], zinc supplementation can improve the level of serum zinc and the content of zinc in breast milk of pregnant women, lactating women and infants, and is conducive to the growth and development of newborns and infants [8]. The intake of some nutrients of lactating women in China is insufficient, and the intake of energy, VA, thiamine, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and magnesium are respectively recommended [9]. Russelfen et al. [10] found that copper deficiency in female rats definitely affected the growth and development of their offspring, especially led to brain lesions and neurodevelopmental disorders, which were irreversible. Copper deficiency in pregnant women can lead to copper deficiency in fetus, which is easy to cause intrauterine growth retardation [11]. It is suggested that the importance of nutrition for human pregnant and lactating mothers and its influence on the growth and development of children.
      The lack of VA and IgA in maternal serum is one of the causes of neonatal diarrhea. Improving maternal VA level and enhancing maternal immunity can prevent and treat neonatal diarrhea [12]. The lack of VA in pregnancy and puerperium is related to postpartum depression [13]. The unreasonable diet structure of nursing mother or children will lead to the deficiency of VB1. VB1 treatment can rapidly relieve the symptoms of digestive, nervous or cardiovascular system in children [14]. Maternal long-term lack of VB2, skin and mucosa will appear nutritional disorders, VB2 has the role of prevention and treatment of chapped nipple [15]. VB6 can treat acute mastitis, gestational diabetes, mental depression caused by estrogen contraceptives, primary dysmenorrhea, mastitis and milk return [16]. When nicotinic acid is deficient, pellagra disease may occur, such as dermatitis, glossitis, oropharynx, diarrhea, restlessness, insomnia, and sensory abnormality. The VB2 and nicotinic acid deficiency rate of rural mothers and infants in China is significantly higher than that in cities [17]. The study found that lactating women without folic acid supplementation may have poor erythropoiesis. In order to prevent folic acid depletion of lactating mothers, it is necessary to ensure adequate nutrition of lactating mothers every day [18]. There was no adverse reaction in the treatment of infantile diarrhea with folic acid [19]. Lack of VC in breast milk or artificial feeding may lead to infant scurvy [20]. We should advocate breast-feeding, and pay attention to the diet of pregnant women and their mothers to provide enough VC. The artificial feeding should supplement VC from the third week after birth to prevent VC deficiency in infants [21]. Ve can shorten the breast milk time of parturient and accelerate the weight recovery of newborn [22]. Oral administration of VK1 before delivery is an effective method to prevent neonatal vitamin K deficiency hemorrhagic disease [23]. Newborns and infants without VK1 are at risk of serious bleeding, so appropriate supplementation of VK1 can prevent the occurrence of VK1 deficient bleeding [24]. Pantothenic acid can help cell formation, maintain normal development and development of central nervous system; it has the function of making antibodies, helping to resist infectious diseases, and helping to alleviate allergic symptoms [25].
      The fourth section of aipregangfang supplements the vitamins and minerals needed by the puerperal nursing mother, which helps to prevent the puerperal anemia, puerperal infection, depression and insomnia, reduce the postpartum hemorrhage, and improve the quality of postpartum life; at the same time, it supplements the nutrition needed by the infants, prevents the diarrhea of the newborn, prevents the scurvy of the infant, prevents the occurrence of VK1 deficiency hemorrhage, and maintains the nerves and cardiovascular system of the newborn Systematic development is an ideal nutrition and health food for women and infants in puerperium.
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