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Reproductive pregnancy


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Strategy of sperm culture for older pregnant men

Date:2019-12-26 08:20:04Times:

Strategy of sperm culture for older pregnant men
Qiao Boyi 1, Tang Qingyu 2
(1. Beijing Tianlun infertility hospital; 2. Linyi women and children's Hospital)
Abstract: This paper introduces the current situation of sperm quality of older men and their sperm, analyzes the reasons for the decline of sperm quality of men, and puts forward specific strategies for cultivating excellent sperm.
Key words: older pregnant men; sperm quality; spermicin
1. general situation
1.1 older pregnant men
      The older pregnant men generally refer to those who miss the best childbearing age. Scientists found that the best time for men to have children is between 30 and 35 years old, which is the peak of sperm quality. If the age is too old, the vitality of sperm will be relatively decreased, and the incidence of various fetal diseases will also be relatively increased. There are many reasons for the increase of older men year by year, among which the most important are social factors, such as the promotion of late marriage and late childbearing, the increase of social pressure, etc. In addition, the change of people's concept of fertility and the development of medical technology have also resulted in the increase of the age of male pregnancy. In recent years, China has fully implemented the "two child" birth policy. Many men who have given birth to one child have joined the ranks of giving birth to two children. This kind of birth interval causes many men to be over 35 years old when giving birth to the second child.
1.2 sperm quality in China
      According to the survey report on the current situation of infertility in China in 2009, the majority of infertile people in China are 25-30 years old, showing a trend of youth. Twenty years ago, the rate of infertility in China was only 3%, which was at a low level in the world. In 2009, one out of every eight couples of childbearing age in China faced difficulties in childbearing. The infertility rate rose to 12.5% - 15%, close to 15% - 20% in developed countries. Clinically, the qualified rate of male sperm is less than 30%. According to the Research Institute of science and technology of the national population and Family Planning Commission, the semen quality of Chinese men is declining at the rate of 1% every year, with a decrease of more than 40%. One of the reasons for the shortage of sperm source in domestic sperm bank is that the sperm quality of donors is not up to standard.
2. The reason of sperm quality decline
2.1 physical factors
      2.1.1 air pollution research has found that if men are exposed to traffic pollution for 6 hours every day, the swimming ability of sperm will be reduced, which will affect the ability of sperm to combine with egg. If men are exposed to sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in automobile exhaust for a long time. In addition, nitric oxide and lead in automobile exhaust gas are most likely to destroy sperm quality, and heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium in exhaust gas are also sperm busters.
      2.1.2 electromagnetic radiation sources mainly include X-ray ultrasonic, radio wave, detection radar, television, computer, microwave oven, air conditioner, mobile phone, magnetic resonance imaging equipment, power transmission line, electric blanket and electric water bed, etc. Low dose of radiation can affect the development of the body. High dose of radiation can cause the changes of testicular tissue structure, increase the deformity rate of sperm, and reduce the number and density of sperm.
      2.1.3 the researchers of high temperature and high heat found that: low temperature environment is the best pregnant space for sperm; high temperature and heat can change the function of spermatogenesis. Bakers, cooks, welders, firefighters, potters and foundry workers are all high-risk occupations, and saunas or hot baths are also considered to be one of the possible causes of infertility. Therefore, experts believe that the highest number of sperm in winter and spring, sperm activity is the strongest in autumn and winter.
      2.1.4 noise and noise will cause endocrine disorder, resulting in semen and sperm abnormalities. Long term noise pollution can cause male infertility.
2.2 chemical factors
      2.2.1 the German Research Association for food and commodity pollution found that the decrease in the number of male sperm worldwide may be related to phthalates. O-benzoic acid two is widely used in toys, food additives, food packaging, vinyl flooring, wallpaper, detergent, lubricating oil, nail polish, hair spray, soap and shampoo. Studies have shown that phthalate esters can interfere with the endocrine system, reduce the number of sperm in men, reduce their motility, abnormal morphology, and even lead to testicular cancer.
      2.2.2 heavy metal pollution has toxic effect on reproductive system, damages testis, affects sperm production and movement, and then affects sperm quality, fertilization rate and reproduction rate of male animals, the most common is cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury. Lead can lead to spermatozoa reduction, which mainly induces sperm head distortion, motility reduction and deformity, and lead also has genotoxic effect on human cells, which can cause fetal deformity or even abortion. Mercury will lead to the abnormal development of spermatogenic cells, thus reducing the number and vitality of sperm. Arsenic can affect the activity of gonadal axis of hypothalamus, pituitary and testis, cause the disorder of gonadotropin and sex hormone secretion, and lead to the obvious decrease of sperm quantity.
      2.2.3 when insecticides DDT, parathion (1605), dichlorvos and other insecticides diffuse in the air, their harmful substances first directly act on the testes, resulting in the imbalance of hormone secretion of the victims (the increase of estradiol secretion in men, but the decrease of luteinizing hormone secretion, which plays an important role in stimulating testes), and finally affecting the whole reproductive system, resulting in the decrease or non-existent of semen quality in men Education.
2.4 social factors
      The most important one is psychological and emotional factors. Bad mental state can affect the ability of man to make sperm. British researchers have found that when men are often depressed, lost or over stressed, their sperm count will be greatly reduced, or even completely lost the ability to make sperm.
      In addition, the pressure from career, family, husband wife relationship, interpersonal relationship and other aspects will have a negative impact on men's spirit and psychology. Modern medicine believes that if the spirit is in a long-term state of depression, tension, anxiety, sadness, depression, depression and other bad States, the spermatogenic function of testicles will be disturbed.
2.5 bad habits
2.5.1 smoking and drinking
      According to research, nicotine in tobacco can reduce the secretion of sex hormones and kill sperm. The sperm survival rate is only 49% for those who smoke 30 cigarettes a day, and the male hormone secretion of smokers is 16% - 47% less than that of non-smokers, so that the sperm production ability is reduced correspondingly. Long term drinking will damage spermatogenic cells of testis and affect sperm production.
2.5.2 stay up late
     Some studies have shown that if men stay up late for a long time, the hormone level in their bodies will be disordered, the endocrine will be out of balance, and the estrogen will rise, which will cause infertility; if they are in the state of overwork for a long time, the harm will continue to accumulate, and will gradually change from accidental physiological dysfunction to regular, which will cause pathological damage to the male reproductive system, resulting in impotence, premature ejaculation and other diseases.
2.5.3 excessive or improper sexual life
      Although the testicle can produce tens of millions to hundreds of millions of sperm per day, it takes five to seven days for the sperm to mature and reach a sufficient number after a single ejaculation. If the number of sexual life is excessive or uncontrolled, it is not easy to conceive. In addition, the interruption of sexual life, masturbation or long duration of each sexual life will lead to aseptic prostatitis, which will directly affect the nutritional composition of semen and sperm vitality, causing infertility.
2.5.4 unclean or disordered sex life
      Unclean or disordered sex life is easy to cause male reproductive tract infection. Reproductive tract infection first affects sperm production and sperm transport, resulting in oligospermia, resulting in decreased reproductive capacity, lack of semen nutrition, changes in pH, changes in semen composition, thus affecting the growth environment of sperm, resulting in serious decline in sperm vitality and quantity, resulting in infertility.
2.6 drug factors
      Inappropriate abuse of anticancer, hormone, antibiotic and other drugs will damage the function of male gonad, cause the decrease of sperm quantity and quality, or lead to sexual dysfunction by affecting the endocrine function of gonad. The larger the dosage, the longer the course of treatment and the younger the patients are, the more serious the damage to the reproductive function is, and the longer the time to restore the reproductive function is.
3. How to cultivate excellent sperm
3.1 keep away from harmful environment
      3.1.1 pregnant men should avoid long-term exposure to traffic pollution and vehicle exhaust, and wear masks or gas masks if necessary.
      3.1.2 avoid high temperature, high noise, magnetic field and radiation environment. Avoid or use X-ray ultrasonic wave, radio wave, detection radar, television, computer, microwave oven, air conditioner, mobile phone, magnetic resonance imaging equipment, power transmission line, electric blanket, electric water bed and other equipment carefully; avoid working as a baker, chef, welder, firefighter, Potter and foundry worker; avoid sauna, hot bath, tight pants, etc.
      3.1.3 be careful of heavy metal pollution. Avoid industries with strong chemical toxicity, such as rubber, paint, spray paint, printing, and the production of electronic appliances, thermometers, coatings, dental amalgam, glass, soap, cosmetics and leather polishing; carefully eat vegetables, fruits, aquatic products, poultry, etc. produced in large-scale artificial production, and minimize the harm of exogenous estrogen to sperm.
3.2 urogenital system examination
      3.2.1 the general character, survival rate, motility, count and morphology of sperm were examined by semen routine examination. To see if the male sperm is healthy and can meet the requirements of pregnancy.
      3.2.2 it is recommended to check mycoplasma, chlamydia, gonococcus, etc. to eliminate the infection of urogenital system, and check whether there is HIV, syphilis and other infections, and whether there is hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infection. If suffering from the above diseases, pregnancy should not be prepared or treatment is needed before pregnancy. The best time for pre pregnancy check-up is generally 3-6 months, including both husband and wife.
3.3 reasonable adjustment of diet
      3.3.1 targeted supplementary nutrition: pregnant men should eat more protein containing food. The supplement of microelements (especially zinc and selenium) is also necessary, because the lack of various microelements may lead to the decrease of sperm quality activity and the birth of infant deformity. If necessary, consult a nutritionist and actively store nutrients with low content in the body.
3.3.2 due to age, body metabolism and other reasons, the older pregnant men need to supplement exogenous food, especially special medical food, in order to quickly and timely supplement the energy and various nutrients needed for sperm preparation during pregnancy. At present, the spermicin jointly developed by Harvey life science group and Harvey Biotechnology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. has been clinically validated. It contains more than 20 kinds of nutrients and trace elements needed in the process of sperm growth. It can not only supplement the nutrients and energy necessary for sperm growth, but also effectively regulate endocrine, eliminate free radicals in the body, and enhance the body's immunity The clinical experiment shows that spermicin has a very good auxiliary role in the treatment of male infertility and the success rate of test tube baby, and can effectively reduce the incidence of birth defects.
3.4 develop good living habits
      3.4.1 quitting bad habits such as smoking, drinking and staying up late will lead to the decrease of sperm quality and quantity, which is not conducive to healthy pregnancy. Therefore, the best way for pregnant men to get rid of bad habits about six months in advance is to keep away from alcohol and tobacco, develop good living habits, work and rest regularly, eat three healthy meals, and maintain a happy mood.
      3.4.2 only when you have a healthy body, can you have high-quality sperm and nurture a smart and healthy baby. Moreover, exercise can promote sperm metabolism, enhance physique, improve immunity and reduce the risk of disease.
      3.4.3 too much abstinence can lead to chronic prostatic hyperemia and aseptic prostatitis, which directly affects the nutritional composition, quantity, viscosity, pH of semen and induces infertility. In addition, the wife frequently contacts her husband's sperm and semen due to excessive sexual intercourse, which is easy to stimulate the production of antisperm antibody in the female body, leading to the immune infertility of the female side.
      3.4.4 clean body sexually transmitted diseases not only cause inflammation damage and structural change of reproductive system, but also directly affect the formation of germ cells, induce gene mutation, sperm deformity or immune response, produce antisperm antibody, damage sperm, and cause infertility.
      3.4.5 careful use of antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, hormones, tranquilizers, sedatives and choline drugs will affect sexual function, indirectly or directly affect eugenics. Some drugs have direct damage to sperm, so pregnant men should be under the guidance of doctors.
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