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Reproductive pregnancy


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The effect of love pregnancy Workshop on the growth and deve

Date:2019-12-26 08:09:39Times:

The effect of love pregnancy Workshop on the growth and development of fetus during pregnancy
Fan Ling
(Beijing Maternity Hospital Beijing 100010)
Abstract: pregnant women need more nutrition in pregnancy than in non pregnancy. During pregnancy, unreasonable nutrition management will affect the growth and development of fetus, and even lead to anemia, hypertension and other chronic diseases during pregnancy. The nutrition package of love pregnancy workshop can provide pregnant mothers and fetuses with scientific and professional diet and nutrition ratio, meet the physiological and intellectual needs of mothers and fetuses, and achieve the purpose of excellent birth and good birth.
Key words: pregnancy; Fetus; growth and development; nutrition management; love pregnancy workshop
1. Pregnancy and its physiological characteristics
1.1 gestation period
      Pregnancy refers to the physiological period from conception to delivery, also known as pregnancy. Pregnancy is usually calculated from the first day of the last menstruation, and full-term pregnancy is about 280 days (40 weeks). The whole process of pregnancy is divided into three periods: the first trimester before the 13th week, the second trimester between the 14th and 27th weeks, and the third trimester after the 28th week.
1.2 physiological characteristics during pregnancy
1.2.1 main symptoms and signs in early pregnancy
      About half of the women suffered from chills, dizziness, fatigue, drowsiness, salivation, anorexia, acidophilia or disgust with greasiness, nausea, morning sickness and other symptoms about 6 weeks after menopause, which is called early pregnancy reaction. Generally, it disappears at about 12 weeks of pregnancy. From the 8th week of pregnancy, the breast gradually increased. The pregnant women were aware of slight breast pain and pain. The examination showed that the color of nipple and areola was deepened, and there was Monteggia nodule around areola.
1.2.2 characteristics of fetal growth and development in early pregnancy
      At 4-5 weeks of gestation, the fertilized eggs complete their implantation and enter the embryonic stage, with the appearance of primitive cardiovascular system; at 6-7 weeks of gestation, the differentiation of fetal head, organs, respiration, digestion and other organs can be seen, and the growth of the fetus has begun to take shape and limbs are separated; at 8-9 weeks of gestation, the fetal shape and fetal movement can be clearly seen, and the placenta begins to develop; at 10-12 weeks of gestation, the formation of fetal organs is complicated The organs are also becoming more and more perfect.
1.2.3 main symptoms and signs in middle and late pregnancy
      After the second trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is obviously enlarged, the fetal body can be palpated, the fetal movement can be felt, and the fetal heart sound can be heard. Pregnant women began to consciously move around 20 weeks of pregnancy. The more gestational weeks, the more active the fetal movement, but the fetal movement slightly decreased in the end of pregnancy. The average fetal movement was more than 3 times per hour. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal body can be touched through the abdominal wall.
1.2.4 growth and development characteristics of fetus in middle and late pregnancy
      From the 16th to the 24th week of the second trimester, the fetal hair grows on the face, the bones and muscles are developed, the motor and sensory nerves begin to develop, and the whole body begins to grow fine hair; from the 24th to the 28th week of the second trimester, the fetal hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, etc. grow, the cerebral cortex is developed, and the body is controlled to do actions, while the fingernails are also slowly formed; after the 28th week of the second trimester, the fetal hair is reduced, and the heart is in full swing The viscera and auditory organs have developed completely, and begin to form subcutaneous fat deposition. The visceral organs are mature.
2. Nutritional needs at all stages of pregnancy
2.1 early pregnancy (before 12 weeks)
       The embryo is still in the forming stage, the cell division is rapid, and the pregnancy reaction is serious in the early stage of pregnancy. At this time, we need to supplement more easily digestible food and vitamin B group. VB1 can effectively promote the metabolism of sugar, fat and water. VB1 deficiency is easy to cause stillbirth, premature delivery and fetal dysplasia. VB1 also has the function of promoting sleep and anti fatigue. If it is absent, it will lead to the slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, dyspepsia and sleep difficulty of pregnant women. Vitamin B2 helps iron absorption, participates in energy metabolism, and protects skin and vision. The lack of VB2 in the early stage of pregnancy will affect the development of fetal nervous system and cause nervous system deformity. If we want to lack VB2 at the end of pregnancy, it can cause angular stomatitis, glossitis and cheilitis, which will increase the number of premature, immature and stillborn children. More VA should be taken in early pregnancy. The lack of VA will directly lead to bone marrow hypoplasia or limited development. At the same time, the lack of trace element iron will also lead to low hemoglobin anemia, reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of pregnant women, and cause the fetus to be in an anoxic environment, which restricts its growth. The zinc deficiency of pregnant women will make their immunity decline slightly, and the severe one may affect the normal development of the fetus and lead to deformity. Early supplement of VE is also important. Lack of VE will lead to premature delivery, abortion or fetal malformation. Folate is involved in hematopoiesis, which can enhance immune function, help the development of fetus and placenta in early pregnancy. Lack of folate will lead to the occurrence of neural tube malformations such as abortion and spina bifida.
2.2 second trimester (13-27 weeks)
      At this stage, the fetal growth is fast and the volume is significantly increased. The consumption of protein and heat will be about 10% ~ 20% higher than that of the normal person. At the same time, the fetal organ system is in the stage of differentiation and base determination. We should focus on nutrition, mainly including dairy products, meat, eggs, legumes, vegetables and fruits, and should not eat more fat and salt at this stage. The supplement of vitamins and microelements in this stage is also one of the main themes, especially iron and calcium need 50% more than in pregnancy. At this time, iron deficiency anemia caused by insufficient iron content in pregnant women accounts for about 95% of anemia in pregnancy. At the same time, the teeth of the fetus will form and develop into tooth germs, which need to be supplemented with trace elements such as calcium and zinc and vitamins to play the role of strong gingiva; calcium deficiency may lead to osteoporosis, bone joint pain and edema in pregnant women during pregnancy, which may affect the bone development of the fetus. Calcium supplement should be carried out in the middle and later pregnancy at the latest. Vitamin D can assist the absorption of calcium and support the development of teeth and bones. At this time, the normal development of the embryo also needs to be supplemented with appropriate amount of selenium. Selenium deficiency will cause metabolic disorder in the body and decrease the immune function.
2.3 late pregnancy (28-40 weeks)
      At this stage, the fetal weight will increase in multiples, including the growth and development of bone and the accumulation of fat. Therefore, in addition to sufficient carbohydrate and protein, it is necessary to appropriately increase the fatty food, and trace elements such as calcium, iron, zinc, etc. In the late stage of pregnancy, in addition to the vitamins and microelements needed in the early and middle stages, more protein and fat are needed.
3. The effect of Ai Yun Fang on the growth and development of fetus
      Aimengfang, a British pregnancy nutrition package, is specially designed for Chinese pregnant mothers. It contains flaxseed oil, lecithin, folic acid, taurine, VA (natural carotene), VB1, VB2, VD, VE, ferrous glycine, soy protein isolate, skimmed milk powder, zinc gluconate, Isomaltooligosaccharide, selenium, calcium, skimmed milk powder and other nutrients. It is designed for different stages of pregnancy Three types of nutrition package are provided. Ai Yun Fang 1 is suitable for taking from the first three months to the third month after pregnancy; Ai Yun Fang 2 is suitable for taking from the fourth month to the seventh month after pregnancy; Ai Yun Fang 3 is suitable for taking from the eighth month to the breast milk period.
      Industry insiders pointed out that the fetal cerebral cortex began to develop in the middle and later stages of pregnancy, which requires the supplement of vitamins and microelements, as well as substances to enhance fetal intelligence. Ai Yun Fang is rich in not only trace elements and vitamins, but also α - linolenic acid. α - linolenic acid is transported from the mother to the fetus through the placenta during embryonic development, and then enters the liver and brain of the fetus to promote its growth and development. It has been found that human brain cells have completed about 90% at the age of 0-2. At this time, if the intake of α - linolenic acid is guaranteed, the intelligence level of newborn can be improved comprehensively. A survey shows that mothers to be in pregnancy to supplement the necessary alpha linolenic acid, the baby's IQ will increase by an average of 20% - 30%.
      To sum up, combined with clinical data, it is not difficult to find that aimengfang customized three types of nutritional packages according to the different nutritional needs of different stages of pregnancy, which makes the nutritional intake of pregnant mother and fetus more targeted. When pregnant mothers take aifeifang on time, they can quickly and comprehensively supplement the nutrition needed by pregnant mothers and children, and effectively reduce the risk of birth defects, so as to achieve the purpose of eugenics.
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