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What does summer prepare pregnant to eat

Date:2020-08-06 03:07:56Times:

What is good for pregnant women in summer? Folic acid is an indispensable element during pregnancy preparation. It is suggested that pregnant mothers should eat the following fruits to supplement folic acid in summer.
Supplement folic acid in summer pregnancy preparation
Folic acid is a kind of vitamin B, which was once called vitamin m and vitamin BC. Because it was originally separated from spinach leaves, it is now used to be called folic acid. With the development of modern medicine, folic acid has been proved to be closely related to neural tube malformation of fetus.
Therefore, women in the planning of pregnancy, should have regular intake of folic acid, once pregnant can fully meet the fetal demand for B vitamins, to effectively prevent fetal defects and maternal anemia has important significance.
What can summer prepare pregnant to eat to fill folic acid?
What can you eat to supplement folic acid in summer
Watermelon contains carotene, vitamins, sugar, iron, which can produce body fluid, eliminate vexation, quench thirst and relieve heat, but don't eat too much.
What can you eat to supplement folic acid in summer
Bananas are rich in folic acid. Maternal intake of folic acid food, for the development of blood vessels and nerves of the newborn has great help.
What can summer prepare pregnant to eat to fill folic acid? -- pear
In addition to folic acid, pear also contains a lot of protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron and glucose, fructose, malic acid, carotene and a variety of vitamins. It has a good effect of promoting fluid and relieving thirst, moistening dryness and resolving phlegm, moistening lung and relieving cough, nourishing yin and clearing heat.
Of course, the quickest way to prepare for pregnancy is to take pregnancy preparation nutrients --- peijingsu, peiovalin, Huiyun, etc.

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