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Five pre pregnancy exercises to help you boost your egg vita

Date:2020-07-29 06:37:52Times:

1、 It is necessary to exercise before pregnancy to improve egg vitality
Pre pregnancy exercise is particularly important for older women. If the older women take scientific exercise before pregnancy and adjust the maternal function to the best state, it will have a significant effect on the smooth pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum body shape recovery.
1 increase egg vitality
Proper exercise for older women before pregnancy can not only enhance the maternal constitution and promote body metabolism, but also improve sexual function and provide high-quality oocytes for fertilized eggs. Because in the process of exercise, the secretion of all kinds of sex hormones will increase correspondingly, which makes the function of ovary, uterus, breast and other sexual organs change, and improve the vitality of egg cells.
2 helps with pregnancy and childbirth
In a period of time before pregnancy, if older women can carry out appropriate and regular exercise and exercise, it can not only promote the rational allocation of hormones in the body, ensure the balance of hormones in the body during pregnancy and the smooth implantation of sperm, but also contribute to the smooth delivery.
3 provide health protection for baby
The implementation of a perfect pre pregnancy exercise plan can not only make the recovery of postpartum body twice the result with half the effort, but also better ensure the health of older women, reduce and avoid the incidence of pregnancy induced hypertension and diabetes, so that the health of the baby can be better protected.
Heart and lung function improved 4
Doing more exercise can increase the cardiopulmonary function and increase the oxygen content of blood, especially the oxygen supply to the fetus during pregnancy.
Prevention of diabetes
Experts pointed out that regular participation in sports activities before pregnancy is more conducive to the prevention of gestational diabetes than strengthening exercise during pregnancy and avoiding over nutrition. This is because proper exercise before pregnancy can stabilize the secretion of hormones in the body, which can reduce insulin resistance, thus reducing the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus.
Exercise before pregnancy has no potential danger of exercise in pregnancy and passivity and inefficiency of postpartum exercise. It can adjust the functions of the mother to the best state and provide a good embryonic environment for the baby.

2、 Five kinds of sports to help you get pregnant
It's the simplest but most effective method that everyone can do. Busy white-collar workers who are chased by time drive to and from work in order to improve their life efficiency, so they have less opportunities to walk and exercise. It's time to make a little change. Because walking as a way of exercise, to maintain and improve pregnancy is very beneficial. You can carry a small pedometer with you - more than 5000 steps a day, and if you reach 10000 steps a day, your heart will thank you for that. You can use the trivial time to walk, such as walking after meals, walking to work, walking to buy vegetables, etc., to strengthen your pregnancy, but also can enhance our cardiopulmonary function, accelerate blood circulation. In addition, because walking is not very intense exercise, so the chance of injury is very small, very suitable for women.
2 Yoga
Yoga focuses on the balance of body and mind, so yoga practice can eliminate the impetuous and tense mood. Secondly, yoga can enhance muscle tension, enhance the sense of balance, and improve the flexibility and flexibility of the whole muscle tissue. At the same time stimulate the control of hormone secretion glands, accelerate blood circulation. In addition, yoga can also control breathing well. The process of practicing yoga is the massage process of internal organs. It is also a very beneficial exercise way for women's pregnancy, which is suitable for you who want to keep young and energetic both physically and mentally.
3 Pilates
Pilates is suitable for women of any age, especially those who lack exercise and work with computers for a long time. In addition, Pilates has a very obvious effect on waist and abdomen exercise, and it is very important for women's pregnancy and childbirth to create a strong waist and abdomen muscle group. Women who practiced Pilates before pregnancy had a significantly higher rate of natural childbirth. Because women who often do this sport have stronger waist and abdomen muscles.
4 swimming
It's probably the best way to do it, and it's my own favorite sport. When we are in the water, because of the buoyancy reaction on the gravity, our joints are very relaxed, the whole person and mood are also relaxed, not stiff, so the probability of sports injury will be very small. Secondly, when we swim, the water temperature is generally lower than our body temperature, so we need to spend more calories to maintain our body temperature, which means that swimming consumes more calories during the same time and intensity of exercise.
Swimming is a whole body balanced exercise, all parts of your body can exercise, the way of exercise determines that it is a high demand for coordination. And women in the process of childbirth also need to coordinate the ability of various parts of the body muscle, in order to smoothly produce. Therefore, the change of several different swimming styles and constant exercise methods can maximize the coordination of your body.
5 jogging
For women who have little exercise habits, it's not good for their health to exercise too much at once, such as the 1000 meter dash. For women, easy to adhere to the way of exercise is the best. Because good exercise habits need to adhere to, pregnancy is a woman's career, so jogging is your choice.
The main effect of jogging and walking is actually the same, but the intensity is greater than walking, can effectively increase the leg muscle endurance. Therefore, we should pay attention to the selection of shoes. We must make sure that the shoes are specialized for running, rather than the so-called fashion and sports shoes. Because the special running shoes have good shock absorption function, they can effectively reduce the pressure on the leg joints in jogging.

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