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Ten trends of functional food (3)

Date:2020-07-14 06:24:22Times:

5 positive lifestyle
As most consumers try a preventive lifestyle, fortified foods and drinks quickly become a part of life. Last year, vitamin C ranked first in the list of nutrients selected by consumers, with 68% of consumers sparing no effort to obtain more vitamin C; followed by calcium, 49% of consumers wanted to get more calcium; in addition, 46%, 35%, 33%, 33%, 32%, 28%, 26%, 25%, 24%, respectively 19% of consumers chose vitamin B, fiber, antioxidant, vitamin E, ω - 3S / DHA / fish oil, vitamin A, ω - 3S, potassium, iron, folic acid and other nutrients (MSI, 2007a).
Older people consume twice as much omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and calcium than any other age group, and they also use vitamin C, vitamin B-12, B vitamins, antioxidants and herbal products (Experian, 2007). Antioxidants, vitamins E and C, calcium and omega fatty acids are the most consumed nutrients by baby boomers.
Two nutrients, beta carotene and vitamin E, have recently regained their mass market position after being hit by negative scientific reports (Sloan, 2007b). Plant chemicals, amino acids and probiotics are likely to be the next upsurge in the application of nutrient fortifiers. Gallup reported that 12% of consumers tried to consume more lycopene last year, while those with increased demand for lutein or zeaxanthin, amino acids, glucosamine, probiotics or probiotics and polyphenols were 12%, 11%, 11%, 9% and 1%, respectively (MSI, 2007a).
However, limiting fat is still the cornerstone of a healthy life. Consumers are not only concerned about the amount of fat they eat, but also about the types of fat they consume. Last year, more than 7 out of 10 consumers tried to limit trans fat, animal fat and saturated fat in their diet (ific, 2007a). Unfortunately, there has been a decrease in the awareness of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in the past year.
Nearly half (45%) of consumers will check the sodium content in the label, up from 39% last year; 45% will check the calorie content of food; 42% will check the sugar content in food (FMIC, 2007). Kahiki Naturals' frozen Asian food is low in sodium and free of trans fat.
Consumers are also aware of the other functions of functional foods, such as enhancing immunity.
With the change of vision of the elderly, night vision problems and the widespread use of contact lenses, eye care is rapidly becoming an important business opportunity for functional food, ranking fourth on the list of consumer health concerns (healthfocus, 2007). It is well known that antioxidants, vitamins C and E, β - carotene, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin have protective effects on eye health. Based on the National Institute of Ophthalmology's study of these ingredients, the unit sales of boswellen's preservation supplement in pharmacies at the end of the year (12 / 10 / 07) increased by 30% (anon, 2008a).
Finally, functional foods that improve the external skin, hair and nails of the human body through consumption are another exciting market (Sloan, 2007c). It is estimated that by 2010, the "cosmeceuticals" market in the United States will increase from $14.9 billion to $17.2 billion (2007a). Danone's high antioxidant essensis yoghurt and magic fruits' beauty snacks (made from dried fruits rich in antioxidants) are two new "inner beauty" products entering the European market.
6 simpler, greener and cleaner
Many consumers are taking a simpler, more natural approach to food intake and looking for foods that are less complex, fresher and closer to the farm as time and budget allow. Among fdmx sales, natural products sales increased 8% at the end of the year (7 / 3 / 07) to $19 billion (Lempert, 2007a).
Organic food and beverage sales increased by 13% in 2007 and are expected to continue to grow at double-digit rates in 2010 (IRI, 2007b). Last year, more than half (55%) of consumers purchased organic fruits and vegetables, and more than one-third (34%) of consumers purchased organic food and beverage (MSI, 2007e).
Traditional whole grains are the most representative of this new natural direction. At a time when the demand for simple food is growing, pure natural, ready to eat Quaker simple harvest multi grain delivery is very popular. French meadows bakery's "take & bake" frozen dinner roll series contains the organic germinated seeds of Ezekiel grains. Seeds and garden herbs greatly increase the sense of simplicity and health.
Consumers believe that local products are fresher, contain less pesticides and generally have better quality (Hartman, 2008). More than three quarters (77%) of consumers said they generally buy products that they think are locally made or produced. A quarter (25%) of consumers now use farmers' markets as the preferred place to purchase fresh products (IRI, 2008b).

Handicraft and family farms are another healthy guide. Amish Naturals' Heritage line products are handmade from Amish kitchens. Barista milk from Straus family dairy is the first organic milk specifically designed for making coffee. Ruth Kase's cheese makes you challenge the taste of simultaneous interpreting. American Roland sells handwrapped tuna chunks coated with olive oil.
Hormone ranked first in the list of consumers' lowest comfort for food ingredients, with 81% of consumers expressing uneasiness, followed by 79% of consumers mentioning trans fatty acids. Therefore, it is not surprising that organic natural meat products have become an important development category.
Environmental pollution and the sustainability of species, especially the sustainability of fish, have attracted more and more attention. Wild Planet's very small amount of mercury in canned tuna (Wild Planet minimum mercury) has been tested for mercury by an independent testing company. A quarter of consumers actively look for products that are environmentally friendly in nature, and 29% of consumers seek products with sustainable packaging (IRI, 2008b; Sloan, 2007d).
Fair trade has gradually developed into an international movement. Since 2003, the sales of fair trade products in Europe, the United States, Australia / New Zealand and Japan have experienced double-digit growth (Datamonitor, 2008). The United States has a fair trade market of $455 million, while the UK consumes the most per transaction.
Food panic, ethical issues and health concerns all contribute to the promotion of vegetarians and the demand for vegetarians and vegetarians. In 2006, the total retail market of processed vegetarians reached 1.2 billion US dollars and is expected to reach 1.6 billion US dollars in the next five years (Mintel, 2007b).
7 snacks
Assuming that healthy snacks are a necessary strategy, two thirds (66%) of consumers will try to eat more nutritious snacks, 63% will choose low calorie snacks, and 25% will seek 100 calorie snacks. Although unlimited snacks still account for two-thirds of the market, healthy snacks have outpaced traditional snacks in the past few years.
When it comes to healthy snacks, 57% of people think avoiding trans fatty acids is an important feature of healthy snacks, followed by 47% of people think that low fat is very important, and 46% of people think that whole wheat is an important feature (IRI, 2007b).
In the past few years, better for you chips was the highest, followed by dried nuts, rice, rice cakes and yogurt (Mintel, 2008b). There is no doubt that freeze dried fruits and dried fruit slices are the most popular trend in the snack industry in 2008. Stoneridge's completely organic dried fruit is free of sulfites and preservatives. Fruit functional's pomacrans portable snacks are booming due to the presence of antioxidants. Dried fruit chips are up 98% over last year, while vegetarian chips are up 32%.
It's not surprising that smart businesses are looking for a healthy mix of fresh fruits, nuts, dried fruits, assorted dried nuts, peanut butter and jelly that consumers most often buy. Bear naked's all natural peanut butter cereal will bring back the taste of better for you snacks in your childhood. Sencha's crisp green tea pear stick is a combination of whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and green tea.
Nuts are also rapidly becoming popular. The boomi nut strips produced by divine foods add original flavor nuts, seeds and fruits to the pineapple pistachio pineapple and apricot cashew. Oddwalla's chewable nut strips are a good source of calcium, vitamin E and folic acid.
Dark chocolate still has an irresistible health voice and growing sales. Green & Black's 85% organic black chocolate contains 85% cocoa. Sweettriot's chocolate coated cocoa beans are a new low calorie, antioxidant rich snack. Athletes who are strict with themselves will like bng's choklat crunch power crunch, which contains 10 grams of whey protein and is coated with world-class Belgian chocolate. Chocolate strawberries, a new product of fruit for life, are delicious and healthy.
Ginger bears and naked ginger candy from simply wicked confections are made from real ginger and a small amount of sugar. Granola planks, produced by honest foods, is the first cereal product to be crushed by itself.
Americans are eating fewer energy bars than they were two years ago, when 30 percent thought they were no longer using them to lose weight. Seventeen percent of them thought they were high in calories and 19 percent cited sugar levels.
Finally, for children's snacks, parents have four main strategies: 63% of parents look at the number of snacks, 60% of parents choose nutritious snacks, 40% of parents use low-fat snacks, and 34% of parents prefer low calorie snacks. According to a 2007 health focus study, when businesses tried new brands of children's food, foods without artificial sweeteners had a strong or moderate impact on 62% of parents. Other influencing factors included only natural ingredients, no pesticides, no artificial colors and flavors, low salt, low heat, independent packaging size, etc., which affected 59%, 59%, 58%, 57%, 55% and 51% of parents respectively.

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