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Ten trends of functional food (2)

Date:2020-07-13 01:12:14Times:

2.Natural benefits
According to the data of health focus in 2007, nearly nine out of ten (88%) consumers always believe that food is a good natural source of nutrients, compared with 67% and 56% of consumers respectively that nutrients can be obtained through nutritional supplements or fortified foods. Recent scientific verification of the health benefits of plant chemicals and superfoods has convinced consumers that the main nutrients can be obtained from natural foods. Therefore, "whole food nutrition" will become an irresistible new trend.
Most consumers believe that bioactive ingredients in food can help prevent and treat diseases: 75% of consumers think that antioxidant activity is positively correlated with immunity, 65% of consumers think that heart health is related to ω - 3S, and 61% of consumers believe that green tea can reduce disease risk (healthfocus, 2007).
According to trendsense of Sloan trends Gamma According to Sloan, 2007b, phytochemical components such as flavonoids and polyphenols began to be sold in supermarkets in 2007. Other substances, including anthocyanins and carotenoids, are also well positioned in the health food channel. It is predicted that the next wave of phytochemicals will surpass antioxidants and focus on phytochemicals based on non antioxidant mechanisms.
Smart food companies deliver natural health benefits by combining inherent nutrients and phytochemicals. Green giant has developed frozen vegetables that control weight, improve vision and improve immunity. Dole's frozen fruit is blended into heart health mixed fruit and immune blend tropical fruit.
Mixing whole fruit or juice is another healthier way. Campbell's V-8 v-fusion banana strawberry banana strawberry mixed beverage combines 10 kinds of fruits and vegetables, each of which is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. Wyman's high antioxidant juice wild blueberry black current juice contains two servings of fruit in each cup.
Marketers are trying to make it easier for people to eat fruits and vegetables. The fruit B ü organic fruit spoooshers series of stretch Island Fruit Co., Ltd. has launched the "smoooshed" fruit in tube that children love. Nestle's juicy juice juice gives children a double serving of fruit or vegetables, while Hulk's big chew baking block contains many veggies.
Blood orange, medlar, seabuckthorn, mangosteen, chickpea and Auricularia are all new super food. Pure fruit technologies has launched goji · Zen and seabuck · 7 exotic juice supplies. The garden green chickpeas of Clearwater County foods are rich in protein, cellulose, iron, manganese, magnesium and folic acid. Businesses are aware of the powerful new health benefits of spices, herbs and seeds. More and more fruits, vegetables and flowers are used to give food flavor, aroma and healthy smell.
Another strong trend is to enhance the nutritional level of meat, eggs and milk through animal specific feeding. Omega-3 cooked meat and milk made their debut in Canada. Organic jade pearl rice of lotus foods is impregnated with bamboo juice and is rich in cellulose, minerals and amino acids.
Recently, color has become a new code name for health food. For example, red food generally represents lycopene, lutein and vitamin C. Unilever introduced Knorr color soups (Knorr color soups) into Europe (dornbraser, 2008).
Balance of revenue and expenditure
It is estimated that the market share of weight loss will be reduced from US $69 billion to US $58 billion through diet control and weight loss control in the US. 2007 was the least year in 16 years to lose weight by dieting (NPD, 2007).
Last year, 52% of adults tried to lose weight, and only 12% of them followed a diet (ific, 2007a). Fdmx's low carbohydrate food sales at the end of the year (9 / 9 / 07) decreased by 45% (IRI, 2007a). Kraft renamed its South Beach diet product line as South Beach living.

In the ranking of common weight control methods, the method of reducing food intake is second only to exercise. 69% of people choose to reduce their intake to reduce their weight, while 51% of them use it to control their weight (ific, 2007a). Stopping calorie intake is the third biggest way to lose weight - 60% of consumers use it. The method of reducing fat calorie intake ranked fourth, with 41% of people using it. The fifth major way to lose weight is to reduce carbohydrate intake, which is used by 30% of people (ific, 2007a).
Satiety is another weapon against weight gain (Sloan, 2007c). In 2005, the global sales of belly foods reached 7.5 billion US dollars, and 29% of the new belly foods were launched in the United States last year (innova, 2008). Danone's light & fit crave control yogurt and lightfull smoothies are based on a mixture of protein fibers. Fuze's belly drinks are sold to schools. In the UK, Slim Fast has developed Slim Fast hunter shot limited daily drinks.
Half (54%) of people who lose weight use water instead of sugary drinks or juice (Lempert, 2007b). PepsiCo's Aquafina live satisfy has only 10 calories, but 10% of the fiber is soluble to help you feel full easily. Hint's premium water has pear and other flavors. Energy burning drinks have found a niche, especially among young people. Enviga green tea beverage, an energy burning product launched by Coca Cola and Nestle, accounted for $24 million in fdmx sales in 2007, while sales in convenience stores are likely to double (NNB, 2008). Steaz sparkling green tea is now on a diet.
2007 trendsense of Sloan trend Gamma The trend judgment model confirmed that metabolism and blood glucose control are feasible in the mass weight loss market (Sloan, 2007b). While Slim Fast and NutriSystem are pushing the glycemic index, interest in it is limited to health food. Liquid or powdered weight control alternatives will exceed 18%. (Mintel, 2007a)。
One third (34%) of adolescents aged 12 to 17 often try to lose weight. Weight control of adolescents is an emerging opportunity for the functional food industry (Experian, 2007). A high proportion of African Americans and Hispanic women in their 40s are obese, which in turn contributes to the need for diet foods that focus on the population.
4 status quo
In the past decade, 31 million Americans are over 65, and the oldest of the 76 million born during the baby boom is nearly 60, so the demand for special foods will soar. Among those over 55, 50% had high cholesterol, 50% had hypertension, 28% had osteoporosis, and 18% had diabetes (IRI, 2007a).
Heart disease and cancer remain the top health concerns of Americans: 58% are very concerned about heart disease, an increase of 3% in the past two years, and 57% are very concerned about cancer, an increase of 4% (healthfocus, 2007). Last year, one third (32%) of consumers paid great attention to foods containing Omega - 3S, DHA or EPA; 20% focused on foods with low cholesterol; 18% paid attention to foods containing olive oil; and 5% focused on foods containing coenzyme Q10. (MSI, 2007a)
In order to meet the growing demand for heart care products, the use of polyphenols and flavanols is expected to increase. The use of peptides and gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) in antihypertensive foods and phytosterols in cholesterol treatment will also increase. In the United States, Unilever's pro.activ It is the first daily dose of low cholesterol Mini drink containing phytosterol. Phytosterols are also found in corozona's heart health Pacific Rim barbecue and other exotic flavor chips. Lakewood organic's heart health pomegranate contains omega-3s.

Among those born during the baby boom, people over the age of 45 have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke, and there will be a broad market for ingredients that enhance circulation and block blood clots, such as cocoa flavanol.
Postmenopausal women now make up one-third of the U.S. female population, and they are at greater risk of heart disease, stroke, fracture, obesity, depression, insomnia, periodontal disease, and eye disease. This is another untapped opportunity for functional food. About 12 million men have low bone mass, while 2 million men suffer from osteoporosis, and the male bone health market is rapidly emerging.
Nearly half (47%) of adults are concerned about arthritis, an increase of 6% in the past two years, and 80 million people are suffering from joint pain and arthritis (healthfocus, 2007). 32% of adults have knee pain, 15% of adults have neck pain, and a quarter of people born during the baby boom have experienced back pain. Therefore, products for joint health have attracted much attention (HHS, 2007).
There are 1 million new cases of diabetes every year, 43% of adults are very concerned about it. In the past two years, the number of people concerned has increased by 5%, while the number of people over 50 years old has increased by 9%. Therefore, the demand for blood glucose control products will continue to increase (healthfocus, 2007). Glycemic control and insulin resistance products have dominated the market, but not enough attention has been paid to glycemic index, blood glucose or energy, pre diabetes and X syndrome (Sloan 2007b). In 2007, only one in ten consumers still had their glycemic index tested (FMIS, 2007).
Dental health and periodontal disease are another emerging industry opportunity. One third of adults in their 30s and half of adults over 55 have periodontitis problems. Vitamin C and calcium play an important role in the prevention of these diseases (AAP, 2007). Oligomyasthenia or muscle atrophy, abnormal fat metabolism, high levels of triglycerides, high nutritional foods and the lack of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B-12 will become new opportunities for the development of functional food. Focusing on the interaction between food and drugs will still be the focus of research.

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