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Reproductive pregnancy


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Study on the effect of pregnancy preparation nutrients on im

Date:2020-06-10 02:35:23Times:

Han Tianxiang 1,
(Dancheng MCH hospital, Zhoukou, 477150)
Journal (World composite medicine, 2020,6 (4): 46 + 48.)
Abstract: in recent years, the sperm quality of adult men in China is decreasing year by year, and the infertility rate is also increasing, which poses a severe challenge to pregnant men. Most of the factors that affect male reproduction are uncontrollable, and among the controllable factors, nutrition is closely related to people's daily life and is also the most critical. As a pregnant nutrient, Huiyun (male) can improve the quality and vitality of sperm and increase the probability of conception through the mechanism of energy supply, conditioning and detoxification. A large number of research documents have verified the role of the main ingredients in Huiyun (male) formula, which has a very good auxiliary effect on the treatment of infertility, prevention of birth defects, and improvement of the success rate of in vitro infants.
Key words: pregnant nutrition; huipregnant (male); sperm quality
Analysis of factors affecting sperm quality
1.1 physical factors
(1) Hot and hot men are exposed to high levels of thermal radiation for a long time, and their spermatogenic function will change. Hot bath is considered to be one of the possible causes of infertility. (2) Strong radiation, low frequency and high intensity magnetic field (> 10MT, 50-60Hz) will reduce the quality of men's sperm, and electromagnetic radiation with the frequency spectrum of 300-30000mhz will lead to sperm deformity. Ionizing radiation can change Leydig cells and Sertoli cells. (3) The sexual function of men who live in 70-80db noise for a long time tends to weaken; if they live in 90dB environment, their sexual function is easily disordered; higher noise will cause semen not to liquefy.
1.2 chemical factors
(1) Daily chemicals such as phthalate interfere with the endocrine system in human body, reducing the amount of semen and sperm, reducing sperm motility, abnormal sperm morphology, and even leading to testicular cancer. (2) Insecticides such as DBCP, chlorocone and ethylene dibromide all showed that they could change human semen quality. (3) Heavy metals, such as lead poisoning, can reduce fertility in men. (4) Organic solvents and environmental estrogens are widely used in coatings, printing inks and paint thinners, which also affect spermatogonia in large doses. Benzene has been shown to cause testicular atrophy, oligospermia and sperm deformity in mice.
1.3 nutritional factors
(1) The lack of vitamin A can lead to the short of seminiferous epithelium, and the lack of vitamin A can reduce the pregnancy rate. Lack of VB can affect pituitary function and reduce fertility; VC can prevent semen from coagulating and maintain sperm vitality; lack of VD can lead to testicular dysplasia, decrease sperm number and vitality, and lead to male infertility; lack of D3 can lead to gonadal dysfunction. Lack of VE can cause oligospermia, asthenospermia, even testicular damage; ve can effectively alleviate the toxic effects of some toxicants on the reproductive system. When folic acid is insufficient, the concentration of semen and the ability of sperm activity decrease, which reduces the chance of conception.
(2) The lack of zinc in microelements will reduce the synthesis and secretion of testosterone, hinder the formation of sperm, reduce the number and vitality of sperm; selenium deficiency can lead to the decline of sperm vitality and enhance the damage of toxic metal elements to sperm. The lack of microelements can also lead to the decrease of sperm quality activity, which is easy to cause infant deformity. In addition, if the content of zinc, selenium, iron and toxic elements in human body is reduced, the content of lead, mercury and cadmium is significantly increased.
1.4 drugs and drugs
Sedatives, hypnotics, anticancer drugs, malilan, hormone drugs, sexual health products and other drugs in drugs will damage the function of male gonad, cause the decrease of sperm quantity and quality, or cause sexual dysfunction by affecting the endocrine function of gonad. Marijuana and cocaine have influence on semen quality. Marijuana can reduce the level of androgen in the blood and the density of sperm, leading to the development of male mammary gland. Cocaine reduces sperm density. The effect of drugs on sperm lasts a long time.
1.5 bad mood and hobbies
The long-term negative emotions such as tension, fear, anxiety and depression can lead to the dysfunction of male nervous system and endocrine function, which can lead to the disorder of testicular spermatogenesis function, which is extremely unfavorable for sperm survival, thus greatly reducing the probability of pregnancy success. Studies have shown that: smoking 20 cigarettes a day, sperm survival rate less than 50%, the incidence of fetal malformation is also high; long-term drinking of male sperm development malformation rate is high.

2 formula of Huiyun (men's)
Concentrated whey protein, zinc and selenium enriched whole egg powder, flaxseed oil microcapsule powder, L-carnitine, tomato powder, carrot powder, ginseng powder, Cordyceps militaris powder, wolfberry powder, Maca powder, VA, VB2, VB6, VB12, VC, VD, VE, taurine, folic acid, xylitol, zinc gluconate, iron pyrophosphate, maltodextrin
The effect of formula ingredients of Huiyun (male) on sperm quality
Most of the pathogenic factors affecting male reproduction are uncontrollable, while among the controllable factors, nutrition is closely related to people's daily life and is also the most critical. The nutritional elements contained in the formula of Huiyun (male) are essential for sperm growth and maintaining the normal reproductive function of adult male. In fact, many experimental documents have verified the role of the main ingredients in Huiyun (male) formula.
Whey protein is rich in branched chain amino acids and bioactive polypeptides. It has many functions such as anti-aging, improving immunity, improving physique and so on [1]. α - linolenic acid can reduce the number of abnormal sperm cell chromosomes, significantly improve sperm motility and sperm viability, thus improving the fertility of men of all ages [2]. After the treatment of L-carnitine, the sperm concentration and motility of the patients with asthenospermia have been improved, which shows that L-carnitine can effectively improve the sperm motility and sperm concentration [3]. L-carnitine combined with VC, VE in the treatment of idiopathic oligospermia and asthenospermia has a prominent therapeutic effect [4]. Lycopene can increase the number of sperm up to 70%, improve sperm swimming speed, reduce the number of abnormal sperm, thus improving male fertility [5]. Carrot contains a lot of carotene and sugar, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fat, VB1, VB2, VC, etc. The compatibility of carrot and ten seeds can invigorate kidney yin, strengthen kidney yang, restrict dryness of ten seeds, and promote sperm cell differentiation and maturation. As time goes on, low concentration ginsenoside Rb1 can significantly improve the survival rate and motility of normal male sperm in vitro [7]. The intracellular and extracellular polysaccharides of Cordyceps militaris had good antioxidant capacity in vitro, and increased with the increase of concentration. The high dose of intracellular polysaccharides could significantly improve the life span of male Drosophila [8]. Lycium barbarum polysaccharide can significantly increase spermatogenic stem cells, epididymal sperm quality and testicular sperm production [9]. Lycium barbarum polysaccharide has obvious protective effect on testis tissue damage induced by X-ray in mice [10]. In addition to anti fatigue and anti-aging, the unique makanene and makatamide in Maka can effectively improve the sexual function of men and women, regulate and assist the secretion of sex hormones, and the alginate and arginine in Maka can also help improve the motility of sperm [11]. The results showed that zinc and selenium supplementation could improve the quality of oligospermia and asthenospermia [12]. VA plays a fundamental role in the growth and differentiation of vision and many kinds of cells. It is related to the regulation of testicular function. Excessive VA causes spermatogenesis disorder. Lack of VA leads to stagnation of spermatogenesis. VA receptor mutation makes mice sterile [13]. ROS was positively correlated with abnormal sperm morphology (P < 0.01), VB12 and folate were negatively correlated with ROS (P < 0.01), that is to say, the increase of ROS in semen may result in abnormal sperm morphology, thus affecting male reproductive function [14]. VB12 has a good effect on improving sperm viability and survival rate [15]. The lack of VB12 will lead to testicular dysplasia, spermatogenesis and infertility [16]. VC is a kind of very strong water-soluble antioxidant. It can reduce the active oxide in vivo by cooperating with lipid soluble antioxidant, which can treat iron deficiency anemia, eliminate free radicals and prevent tissue lipid peroxidation. VC can be used to improve the immunity of the body through the phagocytic function and antioxidant function of leukocytes. In addition, large doses of VC can also rely on its strong reducing and lightening effects to detoxify some poisons such as heavy metal ions Pb2 +, Hg2 +, as2 +, Cd2 +, benzene, bacterial toxins and some drugs [17]. VD deficiency can directly or indirectly affect the quality and quantity of sperm, leading to male infertility [18]. Supplement of VE can not only improve sperm motility, but also increase sperm concentration and the percentage of normal sperm. A certain concentration of VE can reduce the damage caused by ROS excess; ve treatment may increase DNA integrity by reducing the proportion of DNA fragments in sperm. Ve can also supplement the content of trace elements in seminal plasma, mainly selenium and zinc, reduce the DNA damage of sperm cells caused by aging, improve the transport function of sperm, and improve the fertility of elderly men [19]. Taurine can significantly improve the spermatogenic function of testis in aged rats [20]. The results showed that men with high folate level had lower abnormal rate of sperm. If the folate level in male body is too low, it will reduce the sperm's activity and the chance of conception. Therefore, men should also supplement folic acid during pregnancy [21].
To sum up, it is not difficult to find that the main components of Huiyun (male) are necessary for the growth and development of sperm. They can effectively regulate the endocrine, eliminate free radicals and toxins in the body, enhance the body's immunity, and comprehensively improve the quality and vitality of sperm, so as to increase the probability of pregnancy. As a pregnancy preparation nutrient, the scientific compatibility of the nutrition elements of Huiyun (male) has a very good auxiliary effect on the treatment of infertility, the prevention of birth defects, and the improvement of the success rate of in vitro infants through the mechanism of function, conditioning and detoxification.

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