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Shandong Harvey Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

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What fruit does summer prepare pregnant to eat?

Date:2020-08-07 01:07:41Times:

Four seasons of the year, different seasons have different seasonal fruits. Pregnant men and women, need to supplement calcium, iron, zinc and a variety of vitamins and other nutrients. In the daily diet, you can properly eat some fruits rich in these nutrients. Which seasonal fruits are suitable for eating in summer? What fruit can't eat or eat less?
1、 What fruit does summer prepare pregnant to eat?
1. Strawberry contains a variety of fruit acids, vitamins and minerals, which can not only improve the skin condition, but also moisturize and whiten the skin. Strawberry is rich in vitamin A and potassium, which is good for the health of hair. What's more, strawberries can also strengthen teeth, maintain oral health, and moisturize the throat.
2. Cherry tomatoes are both vegetables and fruits with high sugar content. In addition to all the nutrients of tomatoes, their vitamin content is 1.8 times that of ordinary tomatoes.
3. It has the effect of Tonifying Qi and blood and promoting urination. It is suitable for spleen deficiency, weak Qi, shortness of breath, swelling of limbs and adverse urination.
4. Cherry is a kind of fruit with more iron, which has the effect of tonifying blood and kidney. Eating 200-300g before meals can regulate the gastrointestinal function. Cherry rich in vitamin C can moisturize white skin, effectively resist the formation of melanin.
2、 What fruit can't summer prepare pregnant to eat?
1. Peaches have the function of Tonifying Qi and blood, nourishing yin and promoting body fluid, but pregnant mothers should eat them with caution. If excessive consumption, may cause acute abortion, bleeding and other dangerous situations. Peaches are rich in vitamins, minerals and fruit acids. Eating in moderation is good for pregnant mothers. It is recommended to take one at a time.
2. Papaya glycosides contained in papaya can increase uterine contraction. In order to avoid miscarriage and premature delivery, pregnant mothers should not eat papaya.

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